Thursday, June 11, 2009

Put up the pool and now it is raining!!

What a fun experience that was! My husband found some more vinyl glue for swimming pool repair. YEA! I had tried to patch the tear, but had run out of glue because it was a BIG tear. After I finished the repair job, I filled it with water in that area to see if it would leak and ...... no leaks! WOOHOO!! So, the four of us (oldest son lives on his own - he will be 21 this month!) begin to finish cleaning the pool and then DS#2 (DS-Dear Son) helped me put the poles together while my husband walked around the pool and sit the poles out where they belonged. It made things go faster. Well, the pool is up, but we still need to add the water. This task usually takes a day and a half. We have a 18' X 4' vinyl pool. It is big enough for all of us - - - and then some. I wasn't sure I was going to put it back up this year, but the boys kept asking, so of course I said ok. I can't work on it today because it is raining. I need to get in it to straighten the bottom of the floor out. Hopefully, I will be able to get to it tomorrow because the boys wanted to have it ready by the weekend. If all else fails, they can go play in the rain. HA!

Thrifty Thursday -
Our savings today include
  • a free dental cleaning for me
  • eating leftovers for lunch
  • paying bills online
  • balancing the checkbook online (no paper statements - waste of paper)
  • drinking tap water
  • hung some laundry on hangers and hung from the shower
  • If it stops raining - the whole family is supposed to work at the baseball fields tonight and earn extra cash - Spouse and DS#2 - will umpire, DS#3 - work the concession, and I will be the official scorekeeper. Every job pays. I have been keeping my extra cash for vacation.

How have you been frugal today?

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